subject = SHE
she used to love me when i'm in a relationship with other girl
i’m used to ignore her because of my relationship status, advices from my friends
i’m used to avoid her
i’m used to abandoned her
until she’s ever cried for me...
after that,
i’m about thinking rationally
i’m overlooked all my friend’s advice
i’m overlooked my relationship status
i’m starting the new term of friend, with her
ignoring others
then, we become a friend.. a close friend.. very close friend...
we can talk anything
we can talk rubbish
we can talk about politic
we can talk about romance
we can talk about sport
we can talk about family
we can say to each other, bodoh bengong bangang natey gile bab*.. anything!!
Without any heart feeling
Seems like she’s ignore me
Message, no reply
Facebook comment, no respond
My profile, never get her attention
Not once, but many time she’s did that
I’m going to feel ignored
I’m going to feel depressed
This what people said about karma, we get what we did
Is this what people called love?
Sh*t, now i’m used to hate that LOVE word!! Except LOVE for my lovely family
Hate this feeling! I’m not going to fall in love right now.. there are many things i need to solve first..
(cikgu BI sila check grammar)
Moral Of The Story - cinta itu AGUNG.. huh?
mungkin.. hahhaha..
hate 2 say this 2 u but honey, IT IS KARMA..
i've done that and fell exactly what u fell rite now..
so my advice is "sabo je r"..
heheheh.. ;)
ya jay..dat karma..wat u give then u get it back.. basically in LOVE..dont start it if u feel u cant..coz it may hurt u deeply and cruel..
padan muka ko is suitable right now,
eat and hadam
padan muka aku gak sebab benda camni. kakkakakakakkakakakakakkakaka
sabo je laaaaaaa.. huhuhu T___T
kecek mat saleh...pergh!!!
grammar? after 'to' must use root word.
'to abandoned her..'
*to abandon her
Saye sudi menjadi penggantinya.
Oh man kesian hang... tapi aku lagi kesian tgk Bi hang :( nak aku tlg repair kan ker.. leh jer
errr hurm benci ah crite mcm ni...errr
sudah..pergi mkn kurma dulu.
laki pompuan mmg dicipta tertarik antara satu sama lain. kalau tak hari ni, esok. moga mu tertarik ngan bakal isterimu saja pahni.
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